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Understanding Felony Classification in Arkansas Law

When facing criminal charges in Arkansas, understanding the classification of felonies is crucial for anyone involved in the legal system. Arkansas categorizes felonies based on their severity, with each classification carrying specific penalties, including fines,...

Financial Equity in Divorce

Divorce can be a complex and emotionally charged process, often involving various issues like child custody, property division, and financial support. One of the most critical aspects of divorce proceedings is achieving financial equity, ensuring that both parties...

Custody Agreements: Exploring Arkansas Norms

When navigating the complexities of child custody agreements, understanding the legal landscape in Arkansas is crucial. The state has its unique set of norms and regulations that influence how custody is determined, modified, and enforced. This comprehensive guide...

Violent Offenses in Arkansas

Violent crime can have a devastating impact on individuals, families, and entire communities in Arkansas. Aside from the real physical danger that violent crime inflicts on victims, violent crime creates a widespread sense of fear and insecurity, which has a negative...

Driving Smart in Arkansas

Driving within the state of Arkansas comes with its own set of rules and responsibilities. To ensure safe roads for everyone, it’s important to understand the state’s traffic laws and the consequences of DWI offenses in order to adopt responsible driving practices. ...

Key Differences Between Criminal and Civil Law: What You Need to Know

If you haven’t had a lot of experience with the legal system, you might not be clear on the differences between criminal and civil law. However, criminal and civil law are two distinct areas of the legal system. They operate differently because each has a unique...

Litigating Domestic Violence Cases in Civil Court

Any domestic violence case is an incredibly important, and grave, legal undertaking. Attorneys and judges do everything in their power to ensure that the party who has been the victim of abuse receives justice in order to live a life that’s free and clear of their...

How to File a Civil Lawsuit: A Step-by Step Guide

When people think about lawsuits, they often think about criminal lawsuits first. After all, those are the ones that get the most airtime on the news, and in TV dramas and movies. Civil lawsuits, however, are no less serious. What’s the difference between a civil and...

How to Make an Insurance Claim Against Someone Else

Getting into a car accident is a frightening experience that puts a lot of people at risk: you, your family or passengers, the other driver, and anyone else on the road at the time. After the moment of impact, however, there are usually plenty more headaches to come–...
Civil Suit

When To Hire a Defense Attorney for a Civil Suit

Even if it’s just from watching Law and Order, you likely have some idea of what’s involved in the criminal justice process. But what’s very rarely publicized or dramatized is the civil justice process. We often forget that a main function of the court system is to...


109 W South Street

Benton, AR 72015