Why Defense Attorneys Make the Best Divorce Lawyers
Divorce is never fun. It may be for the better, mutual, civil – but it’s still a nightmare of paperwork, legalese, and dividing up everything you own. There are a lot of people who prefer to keep lawyers out of it – and as lawyers, we get it. It can feel like letting strangers into one of the most difficult times of your life. You don’t want to make a bad situation worse.
But the truth is, your divorce is going to be one the most financially significant events of your adult life. You’ll be dividing up the property you’ve been collecting with your spouse for years – maybe decades. Your home, your cars, your furniture, your bank accounts, retirement accounts – and there’s always something more you’ve forgotten about until it pops up. You may be obligated to pay spousal support or be entitled to receive it. Even more important, if you have children, is child support and the custody agreements you settle on. It can add up to tens – if not hundreds – of thousands of dollars.
With all of this at risk, it may be unwise to just “get it over with” by foregoing lawyers. Whether they mean to or not, your spouse could gut you and your financial future without lawyers to point out and explain the financial ramifications of your divorce negotiations and proceedings.
But how do you know what kind of lawyer is right for you? You know you need someone who has experiences in divorces but beyond that…? Let us humbly suggest that you start your divorce attorney shopping in the “defense attorney” aisle.
What Is a Defense Attorney?
Whether they are dealing with criminal or civil cases, a defense lawyer is an advocate for the accused. They are responsible for protecting their client’s legal and financial interests. Defense attorneys develop relationships with their clients as they provide counsel, layout and explain their legal options, and establish and defend their legal needs.
In short, defense attorneys are responsible for making sure that their clients aren’t taken advantage of – either directly or accidentally – by the court system or the plaintiff (the accuser or the prosecution side). They’re used to identifying and defending against underhanded and slippery tactics to protect their clients.
While it can sound tempting to hire a “shark” prosecutor as your divorce attorney, that’s the fastest way to make a tense situation an all-out war. Lawyers that specialize in prosecution specialize in getting something for their clients. Defense lawyers spend their whole career defending the rights of their clients. That’s the kind of dedication to fairness that you want from your divorce lawyer.
When to Get a Criminal Defense Lawyer Involved in Your Divorce
Divorce lawyers are usually practitioners of family law. However, there are cases when you may specifically need a criminal defense lawyer as your divorce attorney. If you are divorcing on the grounds of abuse, a criminal defense attorney is going to be better equipped to aggressively pursue your case in court, institute a restraining order, and file criminal charges against your attacker.
Need Advise?
Our lawyers are experts in Arkansas divorce law and they’re here to help. If you need a divorce lawyer in Arkansas, contact Bobby Digby Law Firm to schedule a free consultation.
Defend Your Parental Rights
A defense lawyer makes the best divorce lawyer because they have so much experience with, well… defense. As soon as your divorce becomes contentious or your spouse hires a lawyer, you need to lawyer up to protect your financial future and your parental rights.
In many states, when there are children involved, you are required by law to involve lawyers. Often, the child is assigned their own lawyer to make sure that their rights are being protected to the full extent of the law. In these cases, you want your divorce lawyer to have the experience not just in divorce law, but in child custody law and child support law as well. A well-rounded defense attorney who specializes in family law is what you’re looking for.
Is There a Good Divorce Lawyer Near Me?
We’re glad you asked! Yes, there is a fantastic divorce attorney in Arkansas – and his name is Bobby Digby. The Bobby Digby Law Firm was founded on the ideals of trustworthy and honest defense. If you need a divorce lawyer in Arkansas, contact Bobby Digby Law Firm to schedule a free consultation.
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I am in search of a criminal Defence attorney for separation or Devore want to separate all assets suffer from memory loss and gaps would like a consultation in person husband has been both mentally and physically abusive