Violent Offenses in Arkansas

Violent Offenses in Arkansas Violent crime can have a devastating impact on individuals, families, and entire communities in Arkansas. Aside from the real physical danger that violent crime inflicts on victims, violent crime creates a widespread sense of fear and...

Community Impact of DWI in Arkansas

Community Impact of DWI in Arkansas Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) incidents have far-reaching consequences that extend well beyond the individuals involved, impacting communities on social, economic, and emotional levels. Understanding the broader effects of a DWI...

Driving Smart in Arkansas

Driving Smart in Arkansas Driving within the state of Arkansas comes with its own set of rules and responsibilities. To ensure safe roads for everyone, it’s important to understand the state’s traffic laws and the consequences of DWI offenses in order to adopt...

Insights on Property Division in High-Asset Divorce

Insights on Property Division in High-Asset Divorce When substantial wealth is involved in the dissolution of a marriage, an already complex process becomes even more intricate. The complexities of property division in high-net-worth divorces can seem intimidating,...