The Role of a Victim in Dropping Domestic Violence Charges: What You Should Know
Domestic violence cases are complicated, and many people assume that if the victim decides to drop charges, the case will automatically be dismissed. However, the reality is that domestic violence charges are handled differently from other criminal cases. In most...
What is the Most Common Drug Offense?
Drug offenses can be some of the most confusing criminal charges on the books. Between different schedules of drugs - ranging from Schedule I to Schedule V - and differences between misdemeanor and felony charges on what sounds like the same offense, it’s easy to get...
Can My Wife Drop Charges in a Domestic Violence Case?
Domestic violence cases are fraught with complicated emotional and legal implications. Often, domestic violence arrests and allegations are not initiated by the alleged victim at all. In fact, sometimes domestic violence arrests and charges can lead to expensive and...
Convicted of a Drug Crime in Arkansas? What Happens Next?
Drug crimes in Arkansas vary widely, and the consequences of a conviction depend on what type of drug crime conviction you’ve received. When you’ve been convicted of a drug crime in Arkansas, your working relationship with your attorney is as important as ever. You...
Can a Cop Search My Vehicle if I Was Stopped for a Broken Taillight?
A traffic or moving violation stop is not an automatic green light to search your vehicle. In fact, a search of your vehicle in certain circumstances could pose a major violation of your Constitutional rights! The most important goal of every police interaction is to...
How Do Drug Cases Get Dismissed?
Facing a drug charge can be difficult and scary. Prosecutors may try to intimidate you or bully you into a plea bargain so that they don’t have to prove their case in a court of law. Experienced criminal defense attorneys know all the tricks prosecutors use to try and...
Distribution Charges
Of all the drug-related crimes, distribution is one of the most serious. If you are being charged with the distribution of illegal substances, or you suspect you may be, contact a good defense attorney immediately. With the right defense, a good attorney can help you...
How to Find the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer
How to Find the Best Criminal Defense Lawyer As attorneys, we never recommend that anyone face criminal charges without the assistance of a criminal defense attorney. No matter how smart you are, it takes years of study and a deep understanding of the law to navigate...
Who Gets the Family Dog After a Divorce?
Many people treat their dogs like children. We buy them toys, dress them up, take them to the doctor, drop them off at “daycare” while we’re at work… But what happens to this part of your family when you’re getting a divorce? You can sell your home or car and split...
Contested Divorce Vs. Uncontested Divorce
When a couple divorces, there is always a whole host of decisions that have to be made. Decisions about asset division, payment of any outstanding debt, spousal support or alimony, child support, visitation, and custody, to name a few. If you can come to an agreement about all major issues before trial it’s called an “uncontested divorce,” meaning no court decisions have to be made for you
Changing Custody Agreements for Summer
Traditionally, summer is when kids are off from school and you can spend time together as a family in the great outdoors, take vacations, and hang by the pool. For divorced couples with children, getting through the summer without arguing over scheduling conflicts can be…difficult to say the least.